D Golding

Catalog of Documents

Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants and Revelation Literature of Joseph Smith

By David Golding

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

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If we treat the Doctrine and Covenants as a broader literary phenomenon within American religious history, corresponding literature expands well beyond present editions of the Doctrine and Covenants. This work of scripture has served the two largest churches within the larger Mormon movement, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Community of Christ, in many editions since first published in the 1830s. Various other groups than these two churches adopted the Doctrine and Covenants without editions fully differentiated from those produced by Latter-day Saint and Reorganized/Community of Christ editors. In studying the Doctrine and Covenants as literature, we will have to consider what belongs to this category.

From the start, the individual works compiled into a published edition of the Doctrine and Covenants have included standalone revelatory texts, alternatively called “commandments,” “revelations,” and “covenants” by Joseph Smith and his associates. Additionally, various administrative and institutional documents also joined the revelations as sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Because revelations constitute a distinct form of Joseph Smith’s writings and the primary genre of Doctrine and Covenants material, Smith’s unpublished revelations deserve consideration as literary auxiliaries of the Doctrine and Covenants.

A Catalog of Revelatory Works

The original Doctrine and Covenants was conceived as a published compilation of Joseph Smith’s revelations, meaning the textual representations of dictated revelatory prose Smith received and presented as direct inspiration from God—a “book of commandments.” Although non-revelation texts joined the compilation over time, the principal literary mode of the Doctrine and Covenants remained this revelation posture. Like European composers whose ecclectic works of music have been catalogued by musicologists, Joseph Smith’s revelation works merit cataloguing within a system that facilitates access to this particular literature. Such a catalog would have to include any works presented in editions of the Doctrine and Covenants, the chief vehicle for publishing Smith’s revelations.

The following presents an attempt at such a catalog of Joseph Smith’s revelations as well as a content inventory of all sections ever published in the Doctrine and Covenants. On the whole, the catalog will enhance the study of the Doctrine and Covenants as a scriptural and literary phenomenon and of Joseph Smith’s prophetic writing style of revelations.

The catalog includes documents that:

  • have been published as a section, body text, or supplement to any of the major editions of the Doctrine and Covenants
  • have been prepared by an editorial authority for publication in the Doctrine and Covenants
  • have been an authoritative manuscript with special relevance to the Doctrine and Covenants or any of the foregoing texts
  • have been composed and presented by Joseph Smith within his literary mode of written revelation

Special Notations

The first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants (1835) divided individual revelations and other entries into “sections” and numbered paragraphs, which resembled other legal documents of the time. All subsequent editions maintained sections, not chapters. Documents that appear in latest Latter-day Saint and Community of Christ editions are noted with the section symbol (§) followed by the corresponding section number. Where Latter-day Saint and Community of Christ section numbers agree, only the shared number is listed without additional notation (e.g., § 5 refers to the document that appears as section 5 in both Latter-day Saint and Community of Christ editions). When both churches’ editions employ a section number that differs from each other, the Latter-day Saint number is listed first, followed by a slash and the Community of Christ number (e.g., § 3/2 refers to the document that appears as section 3 in the Latter-day Saint edition and section 2 in the Community of Christ edition). When only the Latter-day Saint or Community of Christ edition published the document as a section, the section number is followed by the subscript label LDS to indicate the Latter-day Saint edition and the subscript label CC to indicate the Community of Christ edition (e.g., section 111 in the Latter-day Saint edition is a different text than section 111 in the Community of Christ edition; § 111LDS refers to the Latter-day Saint section 111, whereas § 111CC refers to the Community of Christ section 111).

Items that have been removed from the Doctrine and Covenants and no longer bear a section number are included with footnotes explaining their previous publication history.

No. Section Title Heading
1 § 3/2 Revelation, July 1828 The Works of God Cannot Be Frustrated
2 § 4/3 Revelation, February 1829 The Field Is White Already to Harvest
3 § 5 Revelation, March 1829 Three Witnesses for the Book of Mormon
4 § 6 Revelation, April 1829 What Greater Witness than from God?
5 § 10/3 Revelation, Spring 1829 Contrary to That Which You Translated
6 § 7 Translation, April 1829 The Parchment of John
7 § 8 Revelation, April 1829 The Spirit of Revelation
8 § 9 Revelation, April 1829 Not Expedient That You Should Translate
9 § 11/10 Revelation, May 1829 Unto the Convincing of Men
10 § 12/11 Revelation, May 1829 The Cause of Zion
11 § 14/12 Revelation, June 1829 You May Stand as a Witness
12 § 18/16 Revelation, June 1829 The Worth of Souls
13 § 15/13 Revelation, June 1829 The Thing of Most Worth unto You
14 § 16/14 Revelation, June 1829 The Thing of Most Worth unto You
15 Revelation, June 1829 Articles of the Church of Christ
16 § 17/15 Revelation, June 1829 By Faith You Shall Obtain a View
17 § 19/18 Revelation, ca. Summer 1829 Nevertheless, Glory Be to the Father
18 Revelation, ca. late January–31 March 1830 Securing the Copyright of the Book of Mormon
19 § 21/19 Revelation, 6 April 1830 As If from Mine Own Mouth
20 § 20/17 Bylaws, 10 April 1830 Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ
21 § 23/21 Revelations, April 1830 I Speak a Few Words unto You
22 § 22/20 Revelation, 16 April 1830 The New and Everlasting Covenant of Baptism
23 Moses 1LDS/§ 22CC Revelation, June 1830 Visions of Moses
24 § 24/23 Revelation, July 1830 Require Not Miracles
25 § 26/25 Revelation, July 1830 By Common Consent
26 § 25/24 Revelation, July 1830 An Elect Lady
27 § 27/26 Vision, ca. August 1830 It Mattereth Not What Ye Shall Drink
28 § 29/28 Revelation, September 1830 The Gathering of Mine Elect
29 § 28/27 Revelation, September 1830 Even as Moses
30 § 30/29 Revelations, September 1830 First Preachers to the Lamanites
31 § 31/30 Revelation, September 1830 The Hour of Your Mission Is Come
32 § 32/31 Revelation, October 1830 Mission to the Lamanites
33 § 33/32 Revelation, October 1830 Open Your Mouths and They Shall Be Filled
34 § 34/33 Revelation, 4 November 1830 Lift Up Your Voice and Spare Not
35 § 35/34 Revelation, 7 December 1830 To Prepare the Way before Me
36 § 36/35 Revelation, 9 December 1830 Every Man May Be Ordained and Sent Forth
37 Moses 7LDS/§ 36CC Translation, ca. 12 December 1830 Extracts from the Prophecy of Enoch
38 § 74†† Explanation, 1830 But Little Children Are Holy
39 § 37 Revelation, 30 December 1830 Assemble Together at the Ohio
40 § 38 Revelation, 2 January 1831 The Hearts of Men in Your Own Land
41 § 39 Revelation, 5 January 1831 The Covenant to Recover My People
42 § 40 Revelation, 6 January 1831 James Covel’s Fears of Persecution
43 § 41 Revelation, 4 February 1831 The First Bishop
44 § 42a (:1–73) Laws, 9 February 1831 The Law of the Lord
45 § 43 Revelation, February 1831 None Other Appointed to Receive Revelations
46 § 44 Revelation, February 1831 Elders to Assemble in Conference
47 § 42b (:74–93) Laws, 23 February 1831 The Law of the Lord
48 § 45 Prophecy, ca. 7 March 1831 The Lord’s Commentary on the Olivet Discourse
49 § 46 Revelation, ca. 8 March 1831 Gifts of the Spirit
50 § 47 Revelation, ca. 8 March 1831 A Regular History
51 § 48 Revelation, 10 March 1831 To Lay the Holy City’s Foundation
52 § 49 Revelation, 7 May 1831 To the Shakers
53 § 50 Revelation, 9 May 1831 Let Us Reason Together
54 Revelation, 15 May 1831 Provide for Families
55 § 51 Revelation, 20 May 1831 The Bishop’s Storehouse
56 § 52 Revelation, 6 June 1831 Let Them Go Two by Two
57 § 53 Revelation, 8 June 1831 Sidney Gilbert to Assist the Bishop
58 § 54 Revelation, 10 June 1831 If the Covenant Is Broken
59 § 55 Revelation, 14 June 1831 That Little Children May Receive Instruction
60 § 56 Revelation, 15 June 1831 I, the Lord, Command and Revoke
61 § 57 Revelation, 20 July 1831 Independence Is the City of Zion
62 § 58 Revelation, 1 August 1831 After Much Tribulation
63 § 59 Revelation, 7 August 1831 The Lord’s Day
64 § 60 Revelation, 8 August 1831 Declare My Word with Loud Voices
65 § 61 Revelation, 12 August 1831 How to Journey to Zion
66 § 62 Revelation, 13 August 1831 The Testimony Which Ye Have Borne
67 § 63 Revelation, 30 August 1831 Obtain the Land by Purchase, Not Blood
68 Revelation, 31 August 1831 Men Called to Missouri
69 § 64 Revelation, 11 September 1831 Forgive All Men
70 § 66 Revelation, 29 October 1831 Proclaim My Gospel from Land to Land
71 § 65 Prayer, 30 October 1831 The Keys of the Kingdom
72 § 68 Revelation, 1 November 1831 When Moved upon by the Holy Ghost
73 § 1 Revelation, 1 November 1831 The Lord’s Preface
74 Testimony, ca. 2 November 1831 Testimony of the Witnesses of the Book of Commandments
75 § 67 Revelation, ca. 2 November 1831 Test of Inimitability
76 § 133/108 Revelation, 3 November 1831 The Lord’s Appendix
77 § 69 Revelation, 11 November 1831 Duties of the Historian
78 § 107a/104a* Revelation, 11 November 1831 The Holy Priesthood
79 § 70 Revelation, 12 November 1831 Stewardship to Manage the Revelations
80 § 71 Revelation, 1 December 1831 No Weapon Formed against You Shall Prosper
81 § 72 Revelations, 4 December 1831 Duties of the Bishop
82 § 73 Revelation, 10 January 1832 To Translate the Bible Again
83 § 75 Revelations, 25 January 1832 The Amherst Conference
84 § 76 Vision, 16 February 1832 The Vision
85 Revelation, 27 February 1832 Lincoln Haskins’s Calling
86 § 78/77 Revelation, 1 March 1832 The United Firm
87 § 80/79 Revelation, 7 March 1832 Stephen Burnett’s and Eden Smith’s Callings
88 § 79/78 Revelation, 12 March 1832 Jared Carter’s Calling
89 § 81/80 Revelation, 15 March 1832 The Presidency of the High Priesthood
90 § 77LDS Answers, ca. 4–20 March 1832 The Revelation of St. John
91 Revelation, ca. 8–24 March 1832 Duty of Bishops
92 Revelation, 20 March 1832 Paper to Print the Book of Commandments
93 § 82/81 Revelation, 26 April 1832 I, the Lord, Am Bound When Ye Do What I Say
94 § 83/82 Revelation, 30 April 1832 Concerning Women and Children
95 § 99/96 Revelation, 29 August 1832 John Murdock’s Calling
96 § 84/83 Revelation, 22–23 September 1832 Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
97 § 85LDS Letter, 27 November 1832 The Book of the Law of the Lord
98 § 86/84 Revelation, 6 December 1832 The Parable of Wheat and Tares
99 § 87LDS Prophecy, 25 December 1832 On Wars and the Day of the Lord
100 § 88a/85a Revelation, 27–28 December 1832 The Olive Leaf
101 § 88b/85b Revelation, 3 January 1833 The School of the Prophets
102 Revelation, 5 January 1833 Consecrated for Revelations
103 § 89/86 Revelation, 27 February 1833 The Word of Wisdom
104 § 90/87 Revelation, 8 March 1833 Your Mission to Preside in Council
105 § 91/88 Revelation, 9 March 1833 The Apocrypha
106 § 92/89 Revelation, 15 March 1833 Frederick G. Williams to Join the United Firm
107 § 93/90 Revelation, 6 May 1833 Intelligence, Spirit, and Truth
108 § 95/92 Revelation, 1 June 1833 A Rebuke to Build the House of the Lord
109 § 96/93 Revelation, 4 June 1833 This Stake Should Be Made Strong
110 § 97/94 Revelation, 2 August 1833 For Zion, the Pure in Heart
111 § 94/91 Revelation, 2 August 1833 A House for the Work of the Ministry
112 § 98/95 Revelation, 6 August 1833 An Ensign of Peace
113 § 100/97 Revelation, 12 October 1833 You Shall Not Be Confounded before Men
114 § 101/98 Revelation, 16–17 December 1833 The Redemption of Zion
115 § 102/99 Minutes, 17 February 1834 The First High Council
116 § 103/100 Revelation, 24 February 1834 Redemption of Zion by Power
117 § 104/101 Revelation, 23 April 1834 For the Benefit of the Poor
118 Revelation, 28 April 1834 Dividing the United Firm
119 § 105/102 Revelation, 22 June 1834 Camp of Israel Disbanded
120 § 106/103 Revelation, 25 November 1834 The Children of Light
121 Revelation, 5 December 1834 A Reformation in All Your Ensamples
122 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On Faith Itself
123 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On the Object of Faith
124 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On the Character of God
125 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On the Perfect Attributes of God
126 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On the Godhead
127 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On Assurance of Salvation
128 Lecture, ca. Winter 1834–January 1835 On Works by Faith
129 § 107b/104b** Instructions, ca. 1–4 May 1835 Orders of the Priesthood
130 § 111CC Manifesto, ca. 1–17 August 1835 Articles on Marriage
131 § 134/112 Manifesto, ca. 1–17 August 1835 Articles on Government
132 Minutes, 17 August 1835††† General Assembly of the Church
133 Prophecy, 18 October 1835 To Mitigate Distress in Zion
134 Revelation, 27 October 1835 Mary Bailey Smith Will Deliver a Living Child
135 Revelation, 1 November 1835 Reynolds Cahoon’s Dishonesty
136 Revelation, 2 November 1835 Frederick G. Williams to Warn His Relatives
137 Revelation, 3 November 1835 The Twelve under Condemnation
138 Revelation, 7 November 1835 Integrity While Laboring in the Vineyard
139 Revelation, 8 November 1835 Condemnation for Iniquities
140 Revelation, 14 November 1835 Endowed with Knowledge of Hidden Languages
141 Revelation, 16 November 1835 A Virtuous and Upright Life
142 Revelation, 16 November 1835 Men Seeking to Destroy Erastus Holmes
143 § 108LDS Revelation, 26 December 1835 Resist No More My Voice
144 § 137LDS Vision, 21 January 1836 Alvin Smith and Others in Celestial Glory
145 § 109 Prayer, 27 March 1836 Dedicatory Prayer of the House of the Lord
146 § 110 Vision, 3 April 1836 The Prophecy of Malachi Fulfilled
147 § 111LDS Revelation, 6 August 1836 Treasures in Massachusetts
148 Revelation, ca. 1 June 1837 Heber C. Kimball’s Mission to England
149 § 112/105 Revelation, 23 July 1837 Commission of the Twelve Apostles
150 Revelation, 4 September 1837 Transgressions
151 Revelation, 7 January 1838 The Wolf Cometh to Destroy
152 Revelation, 12 January 1838 On Trying the First Presidency
153 Revelation, 12 January 1838 On the Definition of the Stake
154 Revelation, 12 January 1838 Let the First Presidency Flee Kirtland
155 § 113LDS Revelation, March 1838 Answers to Questions about Isaiah
156 § 114LDS Revelation, 11 April 1838 That He May Perform a Mission
157 Revelation, 17 April 1838 Let Brigham Young First Provide for His Family
158 § 115LDS Revelation, 26 April 1838 The Name of the Church in the Last Days
159 § 116LDS Revelation, 19 May 1838 Adam-ondi-Ahman
160 § 118LDS Revelation, 8 July 1838 Vacancies in the Twelve
161 Revelation, 8 July 1838 Their Former Standing Taken Away
162 § 119/106 Revelation, 8 July 1838 The Beginning of the Tithing of My People
163 § 120LDS Revelation, 8 July 1838 Council of the Disposition of Tithes
164 § 117LDS Revelation, 8 July 1838 The More Weighty Matters
165 § 121aLDS (:1–33) Letter, 20 March 1839 O God, Where Art Thou?
166 § 121bLDS (:34–40)
Letter, ca. 22 March 1839 Art Thou Greater Than He?
167 § 2LDS Vision, 11 June–3 November 1839 Prophecy of Malachi
168 § 13LDS Vision, 11 June–3 November 1839 John the Baptist and the Priesthood of Aaron
169 § 124LDS†††† Revelation, 19 January 1841 Temporalities and the Fullness of Times
170 § 125LDS Revelation, ca. 1–6 March 1841 For the Saints in Iowa
171 Revelation, 20 March 1841 The Nauvoo House
172 § 126LDS Revelation, 9 July 1841 Take Especial Care of Your Family
173 Revelation, 2 December 1841 To Spare Nancy Marinda Hyde’s Life
174 Revelation, 22 December 1841 Amos Fuller’s Calling
175 Revelation, 22 December 1841 Beautify the Place of My Sanctuary
176 Revelation, 28 January 1842 The Twelve to Edit the Times and Seasons
177 Revelation, 19 May 1842 Hiram Kimball Has Been Insinuating Evil
178 Revelation, 27 July 1842 Plural Marriage of Sarah Ann Whitney
179 § 127LDS‡‡ Letter, 1 September 1842 On Baptism for the Dead
180 § 128LDS‡‡‡ Letter, 7 September 1842 The Welding Link
181 § 129LDS Sermon, 9 February 1842 How to Detect an Angel
182 § 130LDS Sermon, 2 April 1843 The Advantage in the World to Come
183 § 131LDS Instructions, 16–17 May 1843 The More Sure Word of Prophecy
184 § 132LDS Revelation, 12 July 1843 The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage
185 Revelation, 25 November 1843 John E. Page to Preach in Washington, D.C.
186 Revelation, 14 March 1844 The Kingdom of God and His Laws
187 § 135LDS‡‡‡‡ Eulogy, June–July 1844 The Martyred Prophet and Patriarch
188 § 136LDS Revelation, 14 January 1847 The Camp of Israel and Exodus West
189 § 114CC Revelation, 7 October 1861 Temporal Means for the Purposes of the Church
190 § 115CC Revelation, March 1863 William Marks’s Calling
191 § 116CC Revelation, 4 May 1865 Men of Every Race May Be Ordained
192 § 117CC Revelation, 10 April 1873 Filling the Chief Quorums of the Church
193 § 118CC Revelation, 28 September 1882 I Will Hasten My Work in Its Time
194 § 121CC Revelations, 11 April 1885 That My People May Be Strengthened and Encouraged
195 § 119CC Revelation, 11 April 1887 That the Quorum May Be More Perfectly Prepared to Act
196 § 120CC Revelation, 8 April 1890 Branch and District Officers
197 § OD–1LDS Manifesto, 24–25 September 1890 The Manifesto
198 § 124CC Revelation, April 1894 In Council Together
199 § 122CC Revelation, 15 April 1894 Authority and Duties of the Several Quorums
200 Minutes, 20 April 1894° Resolutions of the Joint Council
201 § 125CC Revelations, 15 April 1901 On Vacancies and Organization
202 § 126CC Vision, 16 April 1902 Assembly of Officers
203 § 127CC Revelation, 14 April 1906 On Temporal Ministry
204 § 128CC Instructions, 18 April 1909 Proper Recognition and Observance of Civil Laws
205 § 129CC Revelation, 18 April 1909 Appointments to Various Offices
206 § 130CC Revelation, 14 April 1913 There Should Be Harmony
207 § 131CC Revelation, 14 April 1914 Spirit of Distrust in the Priesthood
208 § 132CC Revelation, 5 April 1916 Great Necessity for Confidence
209 § 138LDS Vision, 3–5 October 1918 The Redemption of the Dead
210 § 133CC Revelation, 7 April 1920 Appointments to the Twelve
211 § 134CC Revelation, 2 October 1922 The Onerous Burden of the Missionary Work
212 § 135CC Revelation, 18 April 1925 Greater Unity Than Ever Before
213 § 136CC Revelation, 14 April 1932 Toward Better Understanding of Ministry
214 § 137CC Revelation, 7 April 1938 Freeing Zion from Her Bondage
215 § 138CC Instructions, 10 April 1940 The Task of Establishing Zion
216 § 139CC Revelation, 9 April 1946 Their Apostleship Is Extended in Presidency
217 § 140CC Revelation, 7 April 1947 All Movements toward Zion Are within My Law
218 § 141CC Revelation, 2 October 1948 The Hastening Time Is upon Us
219 § 142CC Revelation, 2 April 1950 Commendations for Moderation and Spiritual Growth
220 § 144CC Letter, 28 May 1952 W. Wallace Smith Named Successor
221 § 143CC Revelation, 7 April 1954 The Growing Desire for Missionary Work
222 § 145CC Revelation, 8 October 1958 To Fill the Other Vacancy
223 § 146CC Revelation, 2 April 1960 Let Contention over Minutae Cease
224 § 147CC Revelation, 11 March 1964 Stewardship Is the Response of My People
225 § 148CC Revelation, 18 April 1966 Zionic Procedures Must Be Applied More Fully
226 § 149CC Revelation, 1 April 1968 A Start toward Building My Temple in the Center Place
227 § 149aCC Revelation, 5 April 1968 Further Guidance in Building the Temple
228 § 150CC Revelation, 14 April 1972 For the Teaching of My Priesthood
229 § 151CC Revelation, 1 April 1974 You Are Called Apart
230 § 152CC Revelation, 29 March 1976 Wallace B. Smith Named Successor
231 § 153CC Revelation, 6 April 1978 Honorably Released from His Heavy Burden
232 § OD–2LDS Announcement, 8 June 1978 Racial Restrictions Lifted
233 § 154CC Revelation, 8 April 1980 All Who Labor in the Field
234 § 155CC Revelation, 29 March 1982 Greater Unity of Purpose and Resoluteness
235 § 156CC Revelation, 3 April 1984 The Ordaining of Women to the Priesthood
236 § 157CC Revelation, 12 April 1988 That All May Be Offered Joyfully to a World in Need
237 § 158CC Revelation, 5 April 1992 Your Concerns Have Been My Concerns
238 § 159CC Revelation, 10 April 1994 Rejoice in the Fulfillment of the Promises
239 § 160CC Revelation, 14 April 1996 Shall Lay Down the Responsibilities of President
240 § 161CC Counsel, 4 April 2000 Words of Counsel to the Church
241 § 162CC Counsel, 29 March 2004 You Who Would Become a Prophetic People
242 § 163CC Counsel, 29 March 2007 Community of Christ, Your Name
243 § 164CC Counsel, 17 January 2010 The Redemptive Action of God in Christ
244 § 165CC Counsel, 5 April 2016 Do Not Just Speak and Sing of Zion

* (:59–69, 71–72, 74–75, 78–87, 89, 91–92, 99–100)

** (:1–58, 70, 73, 76–77, 88, 90, 93–98)

Contrary to the Joseph Smith Papers order, § 7 is placed before § 8–9 because: (1) considers the mention of Moses being translated in Alma 45 to occasion the inquiry into the status of John; (2) timeline of the translation of Alma 45 corresponds well enough with the approximate date of § 7; (3) the setting of § 7 has Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery debating the doctrine of translation, which makes it logical that Cowdery would observe the translation of John's parchment as a departure from Book of Mormon translation, a possible reason for the qualifiers opening § 8 about what Cowdery could expect of the gift to translate; (4) favors Smith's memory of the sequence of events between § 7–9 over John Whitmer's later order; (5) only place in extant fragments of the original Book of Mormon manuscript in Smith's handwriting is Alma 45:22, which could correspond to the approximate timing of § 8–9 and close to the Alma 45 passage about Moses's translation; if this marks the moment of Cowdery's attempted translation, this would mean § 7–9 were received within a short interval; (6) the shorter interval of production accounts for difficulty on the part of Smith and Cowdery to date these revelations but not in ordering them; (7) intertextually, the texts of § 7–9 make more sense in this sequence that with § 7 wedged between § 8–9 as John Whitmer orders them.

†† The earliest heading for this document associates it with Wayne County, New York, and a date of 1830, but this was unlikely to have been prompted by Joseph Smith's Bible revision of the New Testament, since Smith still worked from the Old Testament through all of 1830. The prompt likely included Sidney Rigdon and James Covel meeting Smith. Whereas Covel did not prompt a revelation until early 1831, Rigdon objected to infant baptism, the content of 1 Corinthians 7:14, and Rigdon's interviews with Smith in December 1830 could have spurred the question. § 35, received in December 1830, directed Rigdon to assist Smith on the Bible revision, lending circumstantial evidence to a setting of inquiring into a New Testament passage. Had this been the case, a date for § 74 of 30–31 December 1830 would be less likely than closer to Rigdon's arrival.

††† Published in RLDS editions as § 108A until dropped in 1990.

†††† Published in RLDS editions as § 107 until dropped in 1990.

Provenance questionable.

‡‡ Published in RLDS editions as § 109 until dropped in 1990.

‡‡‡ Published in RLDS editions as § 110 until dropped in 1990.

‡‡‡‡ Published in RLDS editions as  113 until dropped in 1990.

° Published in RLDS editions as § 123 until dropped in 1970.